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Attention Ally

Regular price $24.99

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It's no surprise that sometimes kids have a hard time focusing. Their inability to sit still or pay attention is typically related to overactivity in the nervous system as a result of worry or simply too much energy! Attention Ally Focus Friend for Kids is a stimulant-free herbal formula, designed specifically for kids, that supports optimal neural messaging, allowing your kiddo to focus in and harness their inner genius! Formerly named Genius Juice Jr. For Kids Focus & Study Aid

  • Provides support for attention difficulties and to help support students.*
  • Supports healthy focus and cognitive ability.*
  • No stimulants.*
  • Gluten-free & Vegan.*
  • Available in our unique and convenient pump top bottle.

While all our pregnancy, postpartum and children's formulas contain organic gluten-free alcohol — which is used to extract the herbal constituents and preserve the tincture — our finished products have as much alcohol as a ripe banana per serving.

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